mr violet

 Colloborative work by artists Maisie Chilton and Richard Harkness.
  Working in unison on the same pieces at the same time, hand over hand.
Total cooperation with the inevitable. 


Lillies. 2021. Oil on canvas. 900x750mm. 

Winter Flowers. 2021. Oil on canvas, 750x500mm.
This is a mr violet artwork in collaboration with Richard Harkness.

After the rain. 2021. Oil on wood, 900x650mm.
In collaboration with Richard Harkness.
(For Sale.)

Live painting at Bush Bash. 2021. 

Handstretched hessian panels

(Panels at pack-down following the event).

The Hand That Feeds

Preparing The hand That Feeds to be hung at Art Jam! May 2021.

Landscape 1. 2020. Oil on canvas, 900x760mm.

New work in progress

(Yet to be completed)

My cup runneth over. 2020. Oil on canvas. 500x400mm. 

In the pink. 2020. Oil on canvas. 500x600mm.
(For sale).

Praying (man)tis.

Experimentation at the mr violet studio.

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